New Era of Marijuana Policy - Supported by CCSME

Event Details

What Maine Providers Need to Know in the New Era of Marijuana Policy

Last November, Maine voters narrowly approved the legalization of adult use, retail marijuana. As of January 30th, possession is now legal and the Maine Legislature has undertaken a year long process of developing the rules and regulations that will govern the new marijuana law. With the new law, there is a new landscape for behavioral health and other service providers to navigate.

This forum will bring together a panel of experts from various sectors including prevention, treatment, medicine, and law enforcement. Our panel of experts will share what they see as the short term and long term training and capacity building needs for each of their sectors as this new law rolls out. Panelists will also talk about some of the cross-sector training and collaboration opportunities. Following the panel presentations, forum attendees will break into small groups with some guided questions with the goal of creating some training strategies that will build the capacity of the workforce so it is equipped to navigate the new marijuana policy landscape.


  • Scott M. Gagnon, MPP, PS-C | Director of Operations, AdCare Educational Institute of Maine


  • Rebecca L. Miller, MPH, BSN, CSPI, CHES |Maine Health Educator, Northern New England Poison Center
  • Sheriff Joel A. Merry | Sagadahoc County Sheriff's Office
  • Gordon H. Smith, Esq | Executive Vice President, Maine Medical Association
  • Christine McNulty Grant, LCSW, LADC, CCS | Program Manager of Corrections Services, Day One
  • Beth Blakeman-Pohl | Project Director, Casco Bay Create Awareness Now (CAN)

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