Morning Keynote with Sera Davidow | From Chemical Imbalance to Power Imbalance: Social Change & Perception In 2017, a special report from the United Nations was issued stating that mental health policies should address power imbalance rather than chemical imbalance. This essential shift gets at the root of society's need for social change, and the importance of understanding human distress and disruption within an environmental
context. The address will examine these issues, interweaving storytelling with research and concluding with some promising practices for a future that incorporates this knowledge.
Afternoon Keynote - Christopher Poulos | Substance Use Disorder and Criminal Justice System Involvement: A Journey from Federal Prison to Law, Policy, and the White House Christopher Poulos will share his journey from substance use disorder, homelessness, and federal prison to college, law, policy, and serving in the Obama White House. Christopher will also discuss how the criminal justice system intersects with substance use disorder and provide suggestions on how society can move toward a public health, rather than criminal justice, response to substance use disorder.
There are 17 workshops to choose from in addition to the two keynote addresses.